In progress - Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 22, 2025 - 12:00 AEDT
Scheduled - Network Engineers will be performing routine maintenance to network infrastructure at the listed site which will impact customer connections.
Service disruptions may be experienced during this window.
Jan 22, 202512:00-15:00 AEDT
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Jan 21, 15:16 AEDT
Identified -
The Building Manager has advised than an electrician is working at site, and that power to networking equipment has been shut down. Further updates will be provided as they come to us.
Jan 21, 12:09 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 21, 12:08 AEDT
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Jan 20, 14:39 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms which are causing disruption to some customer VoIP services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 20, 11:39 AEDT
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Jan 18, 11:23 AEDT
Identified -
A fault with the wireless radio providing service to this site has been identified. This has been escalated to the third party carrier, who will be sending a technician to investigate further.
Jan 18, 03:52 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 17, 21:30 AEDT
Resolved -
A third-party had disconnected power from a DGtek network switch in the building. Power reconnected, and services restored.
Jan 17, 09:04 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 16, 20:59 AEDT
Completed -
The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Jan 16, 03:00 AEDT
In progress -
Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress. We will provide updates as necessary.
Jan 16, 00:00 AEDT
Scheduled -
Network Engineers will be performing routine maintenance to network infrastructure at the listed site which will impact customer connections.
Service disruptions may be experienced during this window.
Jan 10, 13:00 AEDT
Resolved -
Power was intentionally disconnected from DGtek equipment. Power restored and services back online.
Jan 13, 15:00 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 13, 11:24 AEDT
Resolved -
A power issue at site caused a loss of connection to DGtek Network equipment. Power has been restored, and services are back online.
Jan 13, 12:51 AEDT
Monitoring -
Services are currently back online, but we will continue to monitor this incident.
Jan 13, 11:05 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 13, 10:17 AEDT
Resolved -
A power issue at site caused a reboot of DGtek network equipment.
Jan 13, 10:09 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 13, 10:06 AEDT
Resolved -
A power issue at site caused a loss of connection. Power has been restored, and services are back online.
Jan 13, 09:47 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 10, 15:36 AEDT
Resolved -
A circuit breaker trip caused a loss of power to DGtek network equipment. Breaker reset, and services restored.
Jan 12, 16:27 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 12, 14:05 AEDT
Resolved -
Power had been intentionally disconnected from DGtek equipment. Power has been reconnected, and services restored.
Jan 12, 12:02 AEDT
Update -
The Building Manager has advised that the power issue has been resolved, however DGtek network equipment remains offline. A DGtek field engineer has been dispatched to investigate further.
Jan 12, 10:46 AEDT
Identified -
The Building Manager has advised there is flooding from Level 17 and, and power has been shut down in the risers. DGtek has been informed that this will take couple of hours to fix and they are working with the electrical company to rectify the issue.
Jan 11, 12:38 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 11, 12:26 AEDT
Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Jan 9, 12:23 AEDT
Update -
A DGtek field technician has been dispatched to further investigate this issue.
Jan 9, 11:16 AEDT
Update -
Our third-party provider has confirmed that the back-haul is back online, however a single switch has failed to return to service.
Jan 9, 10:11 AEDT
Update -
An issue with the third-party back-haul providing connection to this building has been identified, and escalated to the provider.
Jan 8, 21:31 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 8, 15:14 AEDT
Resolved -
A power issue at site caused a loss of connectivity. Power has been restored, and services back online.
Jan 8, 20:11 AEDT
Investigating -
Engineers have observed network alarms at the listed site which are causing disruption to some customer services. Engineers are now investigating the issue. Further updates will be given as soon as they are available.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and are working to resolve issue as soon as possible.
Jan 8, 19:52 AEDT